this little study i did for the tribeca ball, which is a big gala fundraiser at the academy. it will be on view at the party and if it sells half goes to the school and half to me!
i loved painting this magical creature - and i've decided i'm going to do a larger version :)
sticking with the cat theme, and in light of the current exhibition at the Met of his late interiors, i present to you another Bonnard. in this one the cat is not immediately perceptible; you have to look for him in the shadows. i love this painting - called The Bowl of Milk, circa 1919. i'm not sure if this piece is in the show, but i can't wait to get to the Met soon to see more of these weird and maniacally colorful interiors. 
this is a Bonnard's Le chat blanc. Bonnard has tons of cats in his paintings to keep me going here. and Balthus. don't even get me started on Balthus. you'll definitely be seeing some of his felines here soon.
sorry about the pin holes, this guy has been pinned to the last 4 studios i've inhabited. :)
i will have another little painting finished soon, but i've been thinking that even when i don't have something of mine ready to post i want to keep the blogging going. the painting of papi i just did gave me an idea: i've decided that for now i will fill in with pictures of the best cats from art history. like this guy:
isn't he ridiculous?! i love it. it's a detail from The Graham Children by Hogarth, 1742.
i'm back! after a good weekend of lots of painting it's time for me to get the blog back up and running. i was feeling a little lazy and stuck with painting for a few weeks, but after the best pep-talk ever by someone whose name rhymes with shimmy, i am feeling super inspired and motivated. this painting was a gift for my valentine, it's bob wearing an old thyme ruffled collar. we have an awesome fancy gold frame that will fit it perfectly when it's dry. :)