
the pensive professor

for our 4 year anniversary, i made this painting for jimmy, of our child:


new studio

i dont know if the picture does it justice - our new studio is soooooo rooomy..

we still need to move all of our stuff, and put in lights etc... but it's going to be so great. yesterday i moved my essential painting supplies over:

i've been in a bit of a dry spell, painting wise. i'm going to blame it on the disgustingness of the NYC summer; this happens to me every year. my studio becomes a sticky sauna and i slow down. but fall is my favorite time of year, and this weekend's lovely weather plus the excitement of a new space has me happily anticipating getting back to work.


for The Bloviator's office

apparently they are redecorating the set of 30 Rock over there at NBC. so they commissioned me to do another drawing; this one will be in alec baldwin's office!!!!


more from st. barths

this painting was a gift for heather and luke, which i never got a photo of. i have it back temporarily as i'm taking it to get framed... (you'll have it back and framed very soon heather!!)